Friday 17 November 2017

17/11/2017 Homework

Remember to do the worksheet at the weekend, and that you can remove the rest of photocopies of the plastic folder because I have already corrected them.
We will correct Friday's worksheet on Monday so don't forget that one!
Recordad  hacer la fotocopia de ejercicios durante el fin de semana, y que podéis ya quitar las otras fotocopias del portafolios de plástico porque ya están corregidas.
¡Corregiremos la fotocopia que di el viernes el lunes así que no la olvidéis!

Monday 13 November 2017

13/11/2017 Homework

Today you have to finish exercises 3 and 4 of page 77 (Activity book) if you didn't finish them in the classroom. Remember that a few of you have to give me the phocopy with your marks.
Hoy tenéis que terminar los ejercicios 3 y 4 de la página 77 del activity book si es que no los acabasteis en clase. Recordad que algunos de vosotros tenéis aún que darme la fotocopia con las notas.

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Who's gonna save the world tonight?

As I told you in the classroom, here there is the videoclip of the Swedish House Mania: Save the world. Just in case you want to watch it again.

07/11/2017 Homework

Today we have to do page 18 of the activity book. We did exercise 1 and 2 in the classroom and there is still exercise 3 to do. You have to do two similar descriptions than the ones we saw on exercise two. Use the jobs of that page.
Hoy tenemos la página 18 del activity book. Hicimos el ejercicio 1 y el 2 en clase y todavía quedó el ejercicio 3 a medio hacer. Lo que hay que hacer es escribir dos descripciones similares a las del ejercicio 2. Usad dos profesiones de esa página.

Monday 6 November 2017

06/11/2017 Homework

Today we started unit 2, so you have to write the vocabulary of the first page (the jobs) on the vocabulary part of the notebook.
Remember I will take your notebooks, the plastic folder and your marks this Thursday, and the Activity books on Friday, so have everything prepared for those dates.
Hoy empezamos el tema 2, así que tenéis que copiar el vocabulario de la primera página (los trabajos) en la parte de vocabulario de la libreta.
Recordad que recogeré las libretas, el portafolio de plástico con las fotocopias y las notas firmadas el jueves, y el activity book lo recogeré el viernes, así que tened todo listo para esas fechas.

Ghost stories!

Here there are the stories we wrote in the classroom. Right now we have only studied the present continuous and to be, so they are more like descriptions than a story, due to most of books are usually written in past simple.
Remember that we use present continuous for describing pictures or talking about situations that are happening now (And well, some present continuous sentences with enough context can describe a future plan)

She is in the sofa, with a ghost. She is painting a ghost and loving the ghost. The ghost has a family. The family of the ghost have to leave, and she is leaving her dad, cat and dog.

They are playing with their friends. He's drawing Abraham Lincoln. They are with the parents of the girl. They are having a party with their cousins.

They are driving a green car. They are going to a house. She is reading a paper. The ghost is opening the envelope. The children and the ghosts are in a train. The children are going home.

She is killing a frog. The ghost is drawing the girl. He is going to the city by car. The ghost is looking for the girl and he is finding his friend. He is walking home and he is talking with her black friend.

Aquí tenéis las historias que escribimos en clase. Hasta ahora solo hemos visto el presente continuo y el to be en presente, por lo que parecen más descripciones que una historia, ya que las historias realmente suelen estar en pasado simple. 
Recordad que usamos el presente continuo para describir imágenes o hablar de acciones que están ocurriendo justo ahora (y bueno, también se puede usar para hablar de planes futuros si hay un contexto que así lo indique).